Cornering... The dangerous trend among motorcyclists

On this day there is a new trend among motorcyclist. It is called "Satmori" and "Sunmori"

Satmori and Sunmori means Saturday Morning Ride and Sunday Morning Ride

Originally it was an activity to ride your bike across countryside with your friends to relax after rough week because of school or work. You ride calmly, enjoying the fresh air of countryside then eat some gorengan and coffee.

It is not dangerous and give positive income for local food stalls, well until some assholes "pro" riders start to do cornering.

Cornering : The act of lying down and wrapping one's body around a right angle. The person should fully extend their legs and arms in attempt to be "one" with the road. 

Those riders got inspired by some videos from America and Europe countries

and as we know in Indonesia there are so many countryside roads with long tight turn which really perfect for cornering.

So, why it is considered as dangerous activity ? Because most road in Indonesia is full of traffic and there is a big chance for accident and of course its illegal in the eyes of law.

Remember these viral photos ?

Whose fault ? And who will be responsible for the damage of crashed bike and injured rider ?

That's an example of why cornering is dangerous.. you crash, an innocent got taken down and injured.

So, as motorcyclist obey the rules, dont do something stupid like that, go at night time if you want to do cornering because its less traffic.


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