Why you becoming a secret admirer

Secret admirer.....

I think almost everyone was a secret admirer once in their life. And I'm very sure its toward their crush.

Yeah, secret admirer. The safest way to express your interest to your beloved person. Being a secret admirer is hard. You can not get jealous, mad, sad, etc. Because yu are nothing more than friend for her/him, at university or workplace. 

When you see your crush with someone who is opposite gender you can not do anything. You might will get jealous but again, you are nothing. You are just a friend or collague, thats is no more.

Why some choose to be a secret admirer ? Well there are reasons and some pretty obvious...

Let's begin with number 1

1. You are shorter or taller than your crush

Well, this is a problem from some people though. Many people prefer to have a boyfriend or        girlfriend that are on same or almost similar in height. The reason is because it will be awkward when you are walking together or cuddling, that resulted some incovinience because of height difference that too far.

Just imagine a Ferrari and a Hummer parked side by side.. it looks awkward right ?

2. The fear to not be a friend anymore

This is the biggest reason why someone choose to become a secret admirer. To avoid being unfriended by his/her crush. Let's say you are dare to say your real feeling to her/him. Then what you get is instant reject and he/she say "Dont be friend with me again". That, the moment you get devastated and regretted at same time. You might be want to build a time machine and back to the time you decide to tell your real feeling and prevent it.
In short word, it is better to be a friend but can not express your real feeling

3. You realize that you are not his/her type

When you like someone, of course the first thing that you check is do you his/her type ? or really far ? Well, rather than to be a joke material for your friends as "too overconfident person" or your crush might harasshing you with words "look at mirror first !" "Seriously ? look at you. Even the ugliest in the class will reject you", then the best way is to keep silent and just be a friend, no more than that.
That is the best thing as secret admirer. 


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